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RAGT supports The RMI Analytics
RAGT supports The RMI Analytics’ World Barley, Malt & Beer Conference
29 March - 1 April 2022
As a Gold Sponsor, RAGT shows its commitment towards the malting and brewing industry.
How does RAGT barley contribute to the sustainability of your process ?
Barley has to meet your requirements for beer creation and the expectations of your beer lovers.
Concern for the environment
Consumers are increasingly looking at the environmental impact of products. They still want to enjoy life, but with consideration for the future of the planet and of Humanity.
The worldwide availability of grain to secure the production and quality of your beer is vital.
RAGT Innovation
The latest genetic innovations in the RAGT barley portfolio aim to target worldwide adaptations to help you maximise the grain quality & decrease your environmental footprint.
RAGT innovation connects plant breeding with energy provision.
RAGT Solutions
RGT Planet
RGT Planet has been validated by maltsters and brewers from 5 continents, all due to:
- High yields
- The quality and germination capacity that your industrial process needs
- Security of supply that ensures your industrial specifications can be met over the long term
- Its presence in 57 countries ensures global as well as local availability
All of the above are sources of a more rational and sustainable process.
RGT Orbiter and RGT Asteroid have an aptitude for distilling (low GN) in addition to their brewing ability.
Developing its unique agro pellets technology Calys®, RAGT makes green energy from the plants, and supports the value chain from start to finish.
Calys® provides decarbonized heating energy, contributing to a more environmentally friendly beer production cycle.